Published Date:
Dec 10, 2024
Mental Health
CMS Outlines New Tech Stack Rules For ‘No Wrong Door’ Community Health
Here's what I'm watching today.
Could CMS’ new innovation plan summon a crushing change in the traditional electronic healthcare record's technology stack? If CMS has its way it looks like meaningful changes are ahead.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have introduced the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model, a “No Wrong Door” approach aimed at integrating behavioral and physical health services. This program, running from January 2025 to December 2032, focuses on whole-person community facing care where hyper-integrated teams work together to treat patients. Eligible providers, such as behavioral health organizations, will coordinate screenings, assessments, treatment, and referrals for mental, physical, and social needs, with the goal of reducing emergency visits and finally improving long term outcomes.
We're heard this before, of course. But this "no-wrong-door" could get people focused on working together -- certainly a paradigm change in thinking about who owns the patient, an Oregon physician recently told me.
Central to the IBH model’s success is the innovative use of advanced technology. But, providers will need a fully-integrated electronic health record (EHR) system, or ideally a Gen4 Health Cloud, capable of community interoperability—enabling the seamless exchange of consumer data between providers, payers, and external organizations.
There are only a few tech stacks now capable of out-of-the box capabilities. That's going to take some thought about how to connect the entire community in one operating ecosystem.
That’s a tough ask however. Providers will need pathways to complete health profiles, track external care visits, and identify gaps in care. With more expansive datasets, organizations can assess risks and intervene proactively, improving care and reducing emergency interventions.
The plan also requires additional tools to support care management and coordination. Providers will benefit from decision support tools, population health platforms, telehealth capabilities, and mobile charting to facilitate proactive care. Care coordination platforms will be essential to managing patient needs across multiple services.
Unfortunately, providers will likely have to overhaul existing EHRs to comply as CMS pushes the industry towards community population health and value capitated payment schemes, like per-member-per-month billing.
"I predict this plan will be as popular as primary care’s direct primary care business model that's quickly taking hold. Physicians and patients alike love it, says Ed DeShields, President of YOUU Health. That structure is going to spur progress with IBH."
The IBH model distinguishes itself from the Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHC) by emphasizing value-based payments, which reward outcomes instead of specific services. Additionally, health equity strategies are a required component, encouraging states to align their Medicaid and Medicare programs.
Providers interested in the IBH model will have one year to explore and implement their technology stack to meet these requirements.
As noted by industry experts, the ability to integrate third-party data, leverage care management platforms, and adopt a population health approach will be critical to thriving in this model.
Will this CMS innovation enable technological and process change to become a key factor to improve population health?
We’ll be watching.
About YOUU Health:
YOUU Health is the most powerfully interconnected healthcare navigation platform ever.
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